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tv   KRON 4 News at 8  KRON  October 11, 2011 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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challenges the his successor will face. >> bryan stow has been released from the san francisco general hospital. >> we are there is the former paramedic begins the next that in his recovery we have the exclusive video. [music] >> and ap in the oakland police chief is calling it quits just after two years on the job anthony batts says that it is time to step down. dan kerman has been
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covering the story and he joins us live from the oakland police headquarters with details on what the chief quit and how city hall is reacting. >> your right, the chief is here frustrated he says and he's been held, for all the crime in oakland yet he is not a control for his department can and cannot do. as a result he said that it is time to step down. >> had and have full control of the oakland police department i did not have the ability to make the decisions that are want to make him run the organization in this town that i would like. this is the second police department that i've had that have been in this position and i felt that i have been in my tenure have had about 20% control of this police department but have full accountability in a fine one to have full accountability i want full control. this has been coming for a while. it is much as one even that is taken place is a layering on a different issues. i did
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the media has made more out of the marin eyes relationship and what is really there. i worked very well with america will be very professional about that. the mayor runs the city and she is to make the calls. and what brought me here is the loss of the life of young people. my heart goes up to the level of deaths that we have and the city a toll i am frustrated about it and i have done everything that i think we as the organization can do to slow down with the resources that we have. i have an option out there but that is not why i'm leaving. part of why i am leaving for the key and key to why i am leaving is that i have to be able to run the organization if i have full accountability. >> that became very clear and he did not have full control of the chief talked about getting can injunctions and curfews, but that all has to look for the mayor and the city council and members of the city council and the mayor are not willing to do that as a result of a finger pointing in city hall after the chief
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made his announcement. >> if time permitted to step toward retirement for right now. >> chief that decision to step down was met by disappointment from his supporters on the city council. councilman larry reed is alluding to the chief's statement that he's been healthfully accountable for crime in the city but he has limited power to run the department as he sees fit. >> whoever he or she is that becomes a police chief we as a council needs to allow the person to do the job that there are trained to do and not attempt to micromanage that person. >> reach colleague was more direct blame america and certain members of the city council for not giving the chief tools that he needed to fight crime in the city. >> face it, the buck stopped with the mayor. this is a mayor, the former governor and i tell you that not only the buck stops at her door, but obviously they
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do not do anything to give this man the tools that he needed to do his job and that is the reality and someone had to say it. >> as for the mayor she would not respond to any comments issues responsible at the afternoon news conference as she fell to thank him for his two years of service she only said this. >> i did ask him to leave but if he was to leave this is a good time for the some of can move the next phase forward so i appreciate that, so we will cut this off and have a meeting. >> with that the mayor walked off. >> how can you not respond to any of these questions? >> she refused to answer any questions. >> chief that's less than oakland police headquarters as sometime next month either early next month or the middle of next market is likely the assistant chief how were jordan will become the interim chief. >> in a letter addressed to oakland residents, chief
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into the bad tout his accomplishments as chief for the past two years among them, reducing violent crime by 27% in 2010. securing 25 offer should grant that helped with community policing, school safety and offsetting officer layoffs and securing a $1 million grant from the kaiser foundation to ok the police mentoring program and a complete department reorganization that reflect reduced staffing levels that the chief had to deal with. he also created a five-year strategic plan and reestablished the police foundation. >> after more than six months, the giants fan bryan stow has been released from the san francisco general hospital and transfer to a rehabilitation clinic. he was brutally beaten back in late march on opening day outside of the tartar stadium in los angeles. j.r.
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stone is following the story and has new pictures and video. >> the transfer and bryan stow the san this picture is still on the road to recovery the doctor said that his second progress that is why he is now in a rehab clinic. on tuesday they released this fall, you can see bryan stow and many and his sister, his mother his father and of course his doctor. unless a apple hot
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but --bit >> take just two years ago, the school was in the same position and other
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issue that the talked about was transportation. many parents say their children want schools and other schools are not close, they're just too far. >> the kids are advanced. >> and district spokesperson told me that the school is back on the chopping block because of low enrollment and no api scores a decision will be made in the next two weeks. >> and the character in the forecast, warmer weather will round out the work week it will be cooler into the weekend.
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[ female announcer ] starbucks via® is planted the same... ♪ ...harvested the same... ♪ ...and roasted the same as our other premium coffees. ♪ it only makes sense it would taste the same.
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so, try it for yourself. buy a pack of 100% natural starbucks via® ready brew. we promise you'll love it or we'll send you a bag of starbucks coffee. it's the starbucks via® taste promise. look for it at starbucks stores and where you buy groceries. >> the skies cleared out this afternoon and temperatures have warmed up to remain in the '70s today
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it is pretty comfortable, a decrease in tier phil, in '78 and and the car, 77 livermore 75 in san jose. here is a change from the past 24 hours. 13 degrees warmer in fairfield, 10 degrees warmer and center field. eight degrees warmer and open and a few degrees warmer in the south bay. right now temperatures on the mild fun and then the '60s for most of the bay area. still 70 degrees for antioch, and as we head into tomorrow morning it was the mild. to have a little bit of fog closed to coastline. it will warm up on thursday with the decrees and cooler conditions on tap. i'll have details neighborhood by neighborhood in your extended forecast coming up. >> much more ahead on the news at 8:00 p.m.. >> the pain will never be less it will always be the same. >> his are says manuel one
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of the three men killed in last week's shooting in cupertino was the family's only becker--the bread winner and now they need help. >> michael jackson's death are continues and we heard from the personal assistant that evidence the world should not about has evidence come from the man who conducted the autopsy. >> i will give you the details of a month outbreak on campus. >> blackberry suffered huge outage, i am gabe slate and that is coming up and my tech report. >> coming up on a raider possible move to los angeles is coming up. beth!
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hi. looking good! you've lost some weight. thanks! you noticed! you know these clothes are too big now, so i'm donating them. not going back there again. good for you! how'd you do it? eating right, whole grain. whole grain? whole grain. [ female announcer ] people who choose more whole grain tend to weigh less than those who don't... multigrain cheerios has five whole grains and 110 lightly sweetened calories per serving... more grains. less you! multigrain cheerios.
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>> the trial of michael jackson's personal physician continued today with jackson's personal assistant taking the stand he tell the prosecution the doctor, and reaction to go back to the jackson home after the pop star's death. >> what if anything was to request of dr. conrad murray's request to you. >> we were making small talk about how horrible this is. then he asked, he said that there is some cream can michaels roone or house, i believe room, that he would not want the world to know about and he requested that i, or someone give him a ride back to the house to
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give so that the world would not know about the cream. >> finally the corner that conducted the autopsy on michael jackson's body was called to the stand, he heat testify there is no evidence supporting the theory by attorneys start jury that jackson gave himself the fatal dose of the anecdote propofol. >> determine the cause of death and to relate it to michael jackson's death on june 25, 2009? >> yes. >> was because of death? >> the cause was propofol at intoxication. >> can you make a determination as to the manner of death recording michael jackson? what was the manner of death? >> yes, the man was,.
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>> during the testimony a picture of michael jackson's corpse was introduced into evidence the singer's mother left the courtroom before the four craft was displayed to the jury. the picture is too graphic for television if you like to see it, you can go and click on news leaks. >> menu, and this and make or break debate for texas governor rick perry the presidential hopefuls all took part in another debate tonight this one in new hampshire, and this will focus largely on the economy. >> we did it in texas. >> after struggling in debates and that fighting in the polls, rick perry needed specifics. but he lacked specifics. >> you need a president of the plan >> and out of the next three days and clearly the intent to open up the
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structure troth that america is sitting on and getting america in depend on the domestic energy side. >> since paramount momentum in the polls, former massachusetts governor romney is considered the front-runner. >> we have lost a number of kids uninsured in america you have the highest. i am still speaking. i am still speaking. we have less than 1% market and ensure a, you have 1 million kids uninsured in texas. >> the surprise contender at least now the former godfather's pizza ceo is herman cain at one point in canada took turns asking each other questions. >> mr. kane in the past have been question will any of us who went to all but the fans, you used pretty strong terms that we rid ignorant. >> the first walk, you have misquoted me. i did not call you or any of your people ignorant. i did not know
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where that came from. so you have to be careful of the stuff the good of the internet because that is not just something that i've said. to be precise, i did not object to the federal reserve been on june. >> it the little fire rieti and then in the audience tonight that guy, chris christie the new jersey gov. just hours before the debate, a rising star in the republican party christine endorsed mit romney he hopes to solidify his standing with the gop establishment and john that his image as the republican-suited to challenge president obama. speaking of mr. obama, a rough day for the protection today senate republicans blocked the jobs bill that the president has been the last several weeks promoting pro 46 and the senate and two democrats lotus against it tonight. >> here in a tech headlines
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millions of blood there users have experienced outage problems including trouble getting on the web. americans have not had a problem the users in europe and the middle east have. then when to release an update to fix this problem. and roku the most part to a way to netflix and streamed movies act until a new box is called the el tee, is the cheapestroku balked yet. -- the cheapest roku box yet. users must the hbo subscribers to access the shows. it was also the people access the old age deal shows like the sopranos and sex in the city. an at&t has unveiled
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five new entrant phones. they are as follows. to my surprise, and miking, two of the devices have slide out physical keyboards lately that seems like a feature that has just gone away. i think there's a market for this and smart phone world. for a closer look at the end george smart phone, and look at my tech page i am gabe slate with kron4 news. >> and live look, good to believe--could visibility. i'll have been killed for tomorrow coming up after the break.
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>> and of the nice thing for tomorrow, to the jurors will continue to warm up. the noon hour temperatures warming up into the '70's in most locations. at 4:00 and then try to cut about 10 degrees of warming over what went wrong today. and i should have the door pretty mild. temperatures in the '50s and even the low 60s. warming again by noon into the '70's in a number of
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locations. 77 fairfield, 72 napa, 74 san jose and warming into the 80's tomorrow afternoon temperatures in the a's for the inland valleys and portions of the north bay also down in the south had to believe that temperatures will get a couple of degrees warmer than with the future cast shows here. i'll have looked at those neighborhood by neighborhood coming up. >> the medical examiner office put out that the cause of death was a self- inflicted wound to the head. >> will also hear from a family member of one of the victims killed in the workplace rampage.
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>> the oakland police chief anthony that is quitting his job. he said that he was frustrated with having limited control full responsibility of the force he has only been the police chief for two years. and bryan stow without half of the giants fan that was beaten into a coma out by
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the dodgers stadium in march is now in a rehabilitation facility. this is a big recovery after being in hospital for seven months, two men were charged in the attack. and an elementary school in oakland is being considered for shutdown. the meeting between parents and school administrators tell tonight. a final decision on the school's fate will not be made until later this month. and new details about the man suspected of killing three people and injuring six others at a quarry in cupertino. investigators say the suspect who use the year killed himself. the corner says that he managed to shoot himself and the head. >> the medical examiner's coroner's office put out the cause of death was a self- inflicted gunshot wound to the head. and >> can you explain that we all thought they he died in a hail of bullets from share 50 days. >> the medical investigator does an autopsy with an open mind and it all the wounds. at this
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particular point ever of the wound on the bottom of this was the fatal one. you always have to keep an open mind and to the very qualified medical examiner goes to the autopsy process and find out medically what happened. this is exactly why he did the autopsies. >> he led police on a plea for hour manhunt its turn at the siemens plant last wednesday this is the location. they say that he was a disgruntled employee. the cement plant opened yesterday's and a family members of one of the victims killed tells us how her family is doing with the loss. >> menu was very dedicates his family, very dedicated to his grandparents. >> the hot and extended family of manual are having a hard time of coming to terms with his death. >> he lived with his grandparents there in the mid-90s and they are lost completely because they waited for him to come home from dinner. grandpa waited
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to sit down at the table and he did not come on that day. >> the 48 row with one of three people killed in last week's bloody shooting at the lehigh cement plant. his wife has a brain tumor and the family is worried about making ends meet with no regular paycheck coming in. >> my concern is after days pass and the unknown of her having medical insurance the possibility of foreclosure sits on their table released soon. manuel was the provider of his family and sustain them financially. >> the family is now seeking donations and close friends are burning candles and praying for the family. she says this is one day at a time. >> one day at a time and the pain will never be less. the pain will always be the same but i am hoping that every day a good memory will
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help to soften the sting. >> police are looking for a man who shot a kirkwall robbing a pets marched last weekend. today officers released this sketch of the suspect as he went to a pet smart he demanded money and then shot the man working behind the counter that worker is expected to survive. investigators believe the same suspect may be responsible for another robbery in the area. and the center for disease control in state health officials have stepped in to help contain a month's outbreak on the campus of uc- berkeley. jeff bush explained what is being done about the problem and where might of started. >> uc-berkeley student stood in line on tuesday for their shots. the cdc in the state department of health said any merged the stockpiles. according to the state have been 15 confirms cases of the month, another
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15 unconfirmed. to the faculty were sent messages about the evacuation and many took notice. >> i am here today because i did not want to get infected with the monks, i have a lot of things to do one that would be a downer on my college experience. >> i didn't know anyone immediate that has been sick, but i found out that for men, and mixed in sterling and i plan on having kids in the future. >> we hear that every day about 40 people are getting it so we just figured why not know point. >> the source of the outbreak seems to be from a student that visit europe a few weeks back. the mystery is how the disease spread to the others to defend got sick, none of the know each other or live near each other but that mystery may never be solved because the incubation period of the month of the as long as four weeks. they say a quarantine of the affected students along with the new round of
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sharks should effectively deal with the outbreak. >> more than 375,000 lbs. of ground beef being recalled because of the possible e-coli contamination the los angeles-based commercial meat company says that the product shipped to restaurants in california and nevada. so far, no illnesses have been reported. >> i'm here with a roundup of some interesting studies. take a look at the first one that we have for you. this is a new study out of the university of minnesota taking multivitamin or supplements is linked to higher odds of early death at least an old woman the study found that women in the age of 62 who took multi vitamins for 6 percent more likely to die over a 19 year period compared with women that did not take those supplements. nothing that video, let us have some good news for once. heating chocolate leaves to a lower risk of strokes in men. they
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found that the participants overall risk for shrove dropped 14%. eating chocolate has previously been linked to lower blood pressure but the researchers say did not want to your grocery cart up yet stick with the fruits and vegetables, chocolates are only good in moderation still. not to check out full details on both, visitor kron4 facebook fan page. >> warmer weather expected as we head into tomorrow, temperatures in 80's in the south bay 80 degrees in sunnyvale, 82 in san jose but 79 now on view. our inland valleys will also be in the '80s. 84 degrees in antioch and won the prix, 85 pleasanton, a three concord in livermore. mainly in the '70s for these bayshores, but a decrease down fremont. 74 in berkeley, 77 oakland, 79 hayward. also in the '70's and low eighties for
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the peninsula. close the coastline expecting a little bit of fog. by the afternoon, sunny skies and teachers are quite mild in the mid to upper 60s. of the north bay temperatures mainly in the '80s with 77 in san raphael and mill valley will be 83. 84 in fairfield and we will continue this warming trend for the week i will have details and the extended forecast coming up. >> upgrades continue at the uc-berkeley football stadium. today a large press box at. >> a dramatic piece of renal at the university of california berkeley was put in place on tuesday. the crew of a giant crane prepared to lift into place the final still structured to fill in the last gap of the new press box that will stand above the stadium. >> this is the crown jewel of this project. elected to the contractor to figure out how to slice the top of to sections and lift this into
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place. >> the contractor had to use 80 trucks to bring in the crane. lifting one pack of hounds of still the task done slowly. they spent hours preparing for the lift. in the this takes human hands of skilled eye and workers to make sure that it is securely put into place. >> coming up, there is a school in san francisco who waited too late to order something very important and now students are fed up in the next edition of people behaving badly.
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>> i know it reads like the pages of a hollywood script, the impact would of been very real and many lives would of been lost. >> not the plot originated with the terror arm of the paramilitary revolutionary guards, they allegedly reach out to mexico most notorious drug cartel offering one- and-a-half million dollars to kill this man. the saudi ambassador to the u.s. for the past four years. >> the starting investors assassination was allegedly appear to be a series of illegal a tax cut up by the defendants and their court --and others like. >> now the iranian was arrested last weekend kennedy airport and new york. this is a naturalized
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u.s. citizen of lived in austin texas. >> he has confessed and the plot, as well as providing a valuable information about the iranian government's role. >> the suspect appeared briefly in new york charged with conspiracy to use a weapon of mass destruction and conspiracy to commit an act of international terrorism and second defendant was believed to be in ireland. the iranian government has denied the charges they accuse the obama administration of trying to distract the public from america's economic problems. some >> history has shown that both government and the cia has a lot of experience and fabricating these scenarios and this just the latest one. >> the former 49ers president weighs in on possibility of the raiders moving to l.a., gary and a
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common one on one straight ahead and highlights on game 3 of the american league championship series gary has the rangers highlights some of the sports of next.
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>> now here is stanley roberts and found some people behaving badly.
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>> sense of this 15th some people at the academy of science and arts high school in san francisco have been missing something very important not due to the lack of funds, but due to someone at the school and the supplier drop the ball. >> at the academy of arts and sciences we have no books for our geometry class. >> this is wendy lee, a junior at the academy of arts and science high school. apparently two weeks into the school year and mr. addison and an order for 65 geometry and 55 precalculus votes for each student. last eight weeks according to the principle by the will refuse to go on camera just found out that only one book has arrived. this book right here. >> there is something going on somewhere. >> to be fair they're the only older craft from only books to about 65 students have to share them but since only 32 workbooks are arrived, they deny actually use them. the teacher says that this is not the first
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time he's had to teach without the required books and at one year he went and tire halfway school year with no books. the school principal placed the blame solely on the block supplier out of illinois but windy places the blame on the... >> the administration be on the books before school starts we should have a book on the first day of school on hand and ready to take home. >> what a good idea. now i was there and the teachers receive a call that the precalculus books had just arrived the still know geometry and looks. and with california standard his course, the april the student said that they need all the resources available to compete. i will be following this problem closely. in san francisco mime stanley roberts kron4 news. >> if you have it, or story idea for stanley, you tell us that people behaving badly at >> war went on tap for tomorrow and would even want
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into thursday said the two degrees and then 76 on thursday and cooling back down to low '70s by friday. comfortable whether to round out the work week in san francisco 83 to mark, 89 on thursday 84 on friday and that in my view. we have one of whether to round up the work week beginning toasty in the inland valleys. 80 for the bayshores and again cooling down into friday and this weekend cooler conditions are on tap. there's a slight chance of rain in the north bay now looking very likely but it is looking like to see increased cloud coverage as vested through the north bay and of course those cooler temperatures to rise at the weekend and also to the cheers as we head into next week. >> the evening every bite, detroit in texas has become a series. johnny peralta
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tactical ballistic deep in the tigers plan at home before a raucous crowd. they leave three to one they lost the first two games and are into they had to win tonight. me tell closed d, is five to one detour lake and then my favorite guy pam, i just watched the way it does this theory he wears glasses and a living he handles himself on the mound. watch their he is, there's my man. and then he pulled his shirt out immediately as he is now 52 for 52 months save opportunities. then he is doing his thing. and there's a difference, like brad wilson reaped a book on how i attract attention i think this guy does it for real but that is just my opinion. and the tigers' lead five to two. the one thing the lee on kron that you did i hear on any other station opinions on jose, i just
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like him. the rangers still lead the series to one. alex smith who in five games has become a high echelon quarterback. we will show you a chart in a moment you say when a moment, this cannot be the guy that field in six previous seasons. the right now he is for and won his 15th touchdown passes and his two interceptions and that is one that the last 11 games so everyone is singing his praises as they get ready for detroit. >> just allies out performance by him, a winning performance right from the get go. i mean roll off the pregame into the first map and played extremely well from there. >> we always had confidence in alex i think that his confidence level enough to hide. he believes in us, he knows that we have his back and we have been telling him that even when he had his own little camp, with alex, we have your back. we have faith in you and have faith
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in us if he died. >> look to these names, and never won this is five weeks, five games, aaron rogers of the super bowl champion packers. tom brady has won three super bowls right behind smith at no. 4 in a true increase in one and has won a super bowl he lineman and won a super bowl in new york and alex smith hanging with the big boys a great turnaround through five games. and with the passing of al davis, a rumor mill sure to heat up with speculations about maybe the raiders moving to los angeles. we asked the former 49 is president about that. >> i did the rumors will he up significantly. i think rumors about everything concerning the raiders will run rampant probably for a matter of months. i also believe that is one to be very difficult for the raiders to really start thinking about anything significant such as a move outside of their market or for that matter even taking and a giant step forward in
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terms of trying to get a stadium deal done in their own market. until they can get their business affairs in order at the finished structure in place and be able to get comfortable with moving, moving into the next few years of the new ownership of such a dominant feature like al davis being gone. >> i did not know housewife or if the mark but from a you know do you think they would have the interest and the love of the game to keep the team? >> i do not know mark, i really don't, brad heard that he is obviously interested in keeping the team. i've also heard that he is enjoying the role of being the offspring of al davis and let us be honest. what buy in america would not in love to be in the position of operating, in
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effect controlling in national football league franchise especially in california. >> you are one of the few guys who were not afraid to go to the toe with mr. davis. obviously respected him anything else she could share by his passing on saturday morning? >> there is no question that his personality is given by. he is one of the significant factors for the nfl. he brought a lot of entertainment, he brought a lot of shall with the interests to the national football league and its attachment to its fans. the guy made a difference there is no question about that. >> you are not afraid not see this again everyone is, in him and i will continue that, but you were never afraid he ever come back finished running, something you can share with a smile on your face? >> al was a formidable
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opponent. but there were times when i felt and i felt very strongly with his position was we are live, not consistent of what was reasonable and rational and not confess to with the best interest of the national football league. we did clash on several occasions. >> will take a quick break and have a machine spot opened in boston. you also show you what a lot of people asking for the u.s. trade ecuador soccer but that is the, leaving boston for chicago and a blue: death in a moment. --in depth in a minute.
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[ rapid footsteps ]
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with their health coverage needs. blue shield. and >> take a look, feel was against the executive and the red fox won two world series. he is going to the chicago cubs right out there. he had one year left in his red sox contract you have a lot of power in chicago. and yes, this took place in harrison new jersey no one scored, is very tight defensive struggle. and then jamie, the turn on the ecuador team, they scored in the 79th minute. and that if the coach there he is now three and one pam as the you have a coach. i say we fire him. [laughter]
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>> they fired bob bradley and his record was not that bad. you do not know anything about soccer. they have to get rid of him. >> see you at 11:00 p.m.. [yksww
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